Monday, June 3, 2024

Wheeler Peak - Taos, NM

At 13,162 feet, Wheeler Peak, in the Sangre de Cristo range, is the highest point in New Mexico. More importantly, it offers the kind of views rarely equaled anywhere. The vantage point is high enough that you get a 360-degree view but not so high you don't perceive depth and details to a stunning level. You see all the way to the snow-capped hills of Santa Fee on the south side and deep into the Colorado San Juans on the north side. In the foreground, the cirque that includes the Taos Ski Valley shows the unlimited potential for stellar backcountry skiing this area offers

With a 6:30 am start on June 2nd, the snow was firm and in parts frozen which became challenging when it involved steep climbing. I went up via the William's Lake trail and as soon as I left Williams Lake behind and started walking up the west face of Wheeler Peak it started to feel a lot more like, at times, stressful mountaineering and a lot less like the Zhen a hike will deliver. There was enough steep snow and ice cover to keep the trail out of view so I ended up straight-lining a fair amount which got me to what felt like the brink of exhaustion a couple of times. Microspikes came in very handy on this hike, they were close to critical. I got up faster than I descended. To get to the summit took a tad bit over 3 hrs. After a 30-minute break on top (that's how incredible the views are) and a leisurely 4 hrs down the whole thing worked out to a very enjoyable 7:30 hr hike.

The William's Lake route amounts to an 8.7-mile walk with a little over 3,000 ft elevation gain. Here are the pictures.

In the foreground is one of many Wheeler Peak early
morning ice fields - afternoon post-holing slush fields.

A huge number of exciting ski lines...

...more ski lines. The highest peak is
Lake Fork Peak at 12,881'

In the next bowl over (east of Wheeler Peak) Old Mike Peak,  
13,113' looks a lot like Mt Raymond (10,241') in the Wasatch
other than the almost 2,000' elev. difference.

William's Lake

Yours truly with Loki the magnificent. 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

New Year's Day 2022

Yesterday, I started the year off on the right foot - skiing! Looking into my log I was surprised to find I had 10 BC ski days in the 2021 part of the 2021/2022 season. Given how funky and on and off the beginning of the season was, one would have needed to be in a compromising mood to get to 10 given those circumstances. 

This was a brisk ski with 2 degrees F and a decent breeze on the ridge. However, the snow was perfect; cold, dry, and fast. Here are a couple of pictures of that outing (click to enlarge):

Loki enjoying the winter wonderland.

View of the "backside" of Mt Superior with Cardiac Ridge.

Murdock Peak in the middle and, to its left, North Bowl.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Back to the Canyons

Today I went back to The Canyons where there is now a bit more artificial snow than last time I went but quite a bit less of the natural snow further up. For a quick work-out, I walked up under the Condor Express liftline and down using Boa. Here are a couple of pictures (click to enlarge).

This is what I refer to as the "mini obelisk"
at the Canyons. It falls a bit short of the
original on the Hogum Divide in LCC.

A pic of the mini obelisk graced by Loki's presence.

This was what the snow-making effort looked like 8 days ago...

...and this is the state of the snow-making at the base today.
No wonder we didn't open for Thanksgiving...

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Murdock Peak

Today I went up to Murdock Peak to check in on North Bowl. It looked better than expected and although it does not look ready to deliver a great ski immediately, it won't take much more to get there. Boa also looks greatly improved compared to last Wednesday. Here are some pictures (click to enlarge):

View from the top of North Bowl, looking
a bit better than expected.

...and Boa is holding quite a bit more
snow than last Wednesday.

View of the entrance to Dirt Shute. Later in the season,
it will get more challenging as the cornices build-out.

View of 9990...

...and a picture of Mt Baldy (LCC) taken from Murdock Peak.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Canyons aka "Canyons Village at Park City"

So that's the latest iteration: Canyons Village at Park City, quite the mouth full. It started as Park City West in 1968, then became ParkWest, then Wolf Mountain which, as a name, was deemed not family-friendly enough by new owners and so was renamed The Canyons in 1997. After Vail Resorts took it over, pursuant to the disastrous Talisker ownership, it renamed it to the somewhat awkward Canyons Village at Park City.

In any case, that's where I was doing a reconnaissance hike yesterday to scope out Boa trying to assess the snow cover on that shaded slope. I did a loop so hiked up under the Condor Express lift and back down over Boa. The report is... no snow! In most spots on high Boa, there was a couple of inches, if that, and nothing on the rest. This means we will be fully dependent on new snowfall for any pre-season skiing to be possible on that slope.

In the meantime, even though it was 36⁰ F when I started my hike, snowmaking was in full swing both at the base and higher up closer to the Park City ridgeline. It seems the Thanksgiving pressure is on! Here are a couple of pictures (click to enlarge):

Snowmaking at the base... mid-mountain...

...and up by the ridgeline.

Friday, November 12, 2021

November ski in the Cirque at Snowbird

After the last storm, the Cirque at Snowbird is holding 1.5 to 2 feet, and at the most privileged spots, even more. Not bad for early November! Yesterday when I got to the trailhead the temp was 31F at 8,500' and outright brisk close to 11,000' so not only is the coverage good (I didn't hit a single rock) but the snow quality was great. Here are some pictures (click to enlarge):

Looking down into Little Cottonwood Canyon

In the Cirque

Although mostly overcast, there were rare
blue skies too

Here, in some spots the snowpack was close to three feet deep

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Current Snow Cover in the Wasatch

If you go north-facing and high enough, there is a respectable amount of snow in the Wasatch. Unfortunately, most of what we have now will end up being the weak facetted layer of the first half or so of the upcoming winter. So if we are lucky enough to see a drastic weather pattern change soon here, then we will likely be looking forward to a fair amount of avalanche activity. In any case, here are a few pictures of peaks approachable from any of the central Wasatch tri-canyon area i.e. Mill Creek, Big and Cottonwood Canyon, and Little Cottonwood Canyon (click to enlarge):

Mt Superior, Cardiac Bowl, and Cardiac Ridge,
all best accessed from LCC.

Sundial and Dromedary Peak, typically
accessed from BCC Mill B South.

Wilson Peak and Gobbler's Knob accessible
from BCC or Mill Creek Canyon.