Thursday, December 12, 2019

Close up of a Moose

This guy was feeding feet away from my house last Sunday and enabled this close-up (click to enlarge):

More Snow on the Wasatch!

Here is a great snow forecast for the Wasatch that could yield up to three feet of snow between later today and Saturday morning, click here and scroll all the way down the page to view the video:
This video covers the Northern and Central Wasatch as well as Park City and the
Uintas. Central Wasatch starts at 2:30 min into the vid and Park City at 4:00 min.
Click the image and scroll down to near the bottom of the page for the video.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

It's Winter in the Wasatch

So late November brought epic snowfalls in the Wasatch and ever since its full-on winter over here. Here are some pictures that were taken today (click to enlarge):

These poles are set at 130 cm - 4.3 feet. This picture
is taken at just 8,000 feet elevation.

Loki can barely see over my skin track.

What tracks four laps leave behind.

Later in the day.

This picture is out of sequence, it was taken the same day
in my yard but before touring.