Sunday, June 30, 2019

Kings Peak - 13,534'

For those that wonder why it doesn't say 15,528, the above value is a result of a 2002 adjustment by the USGS - this mountain is still growing!

I did this on March 23rd. It comes with a looooong approach in any season but winter ads 5 miles to the round trip because the road is closed 2.5 miles before the Henrys Fork campground and trailhead. So it goes from a 27 miles roundtrip in summer to a 32 miles roundtrip in winter. Add to that about 5,000' elevation gain and you have a robust outing on your hands or rather legs...

This was my first attempt and I didn't summit. I went as far as Gunsight Pass and was not comfortable going any further as there were six noticeable and fresh slides on "Utah's highest slope", so I turned around. The Wasatch Mountain Club group I was with does it annually and they were surprised at the conditions. Courtesy of our great winter we had avalanche risk where typically I am told this is safe spring skiing here. I was the only one with a beacon but also the only one planning on skiing it down. The others Nordic ski till the pass then boot pack up to the summit. Of 26 that went up zero summited this year because of the depth of the snow that slowed progress so much that summiting before 1pm (turn-around time) became unachievable.

I did about 26 miles plus 3,000' net elevation gain. I did not waste my time though. I learned the basic configuration of this area, the distances, and I also learned a thing or two about weight management and nutrition for this trip. I'll be back soon, hopefully, encounter safer spring-conditions, and will post an update. In the meantime here are the pictures I took on Saturday (click to enlarge):
The peak showed itself when the cloud cover briefly lifted.

Henrys Fork basin about a mile or two past Elkhorn Crossing.  The peak
is in the clouds out of view approximately above where the center couloir is.
Approaching Gunsight Pass.

View back over the basin from near to Gunsight Pass.

Looking west across Henrys Fork basin ca a mile before Gunsight Pass.